
Bye-Bye Bidenomics

President Biden launched his 2024 presidential campaign on the “Bidenomics” brand.  The idea was to overcome the American people’s opinion that things were not so good with the economy by propounding a rose-colored glasses fictional version.  Biden even lies to make his point.  He recently said that most folks like his economic program when polls show the opposite.

As soon as the White House staked its claim on Bidenomics, the Democrat chorus and their media megaphones starting repeating their litany of good economic news.  It was all spin, however – and Biden has proven Lincoln’s adage that you cannot fool all the people all the time.  According to polls, the Bidenomics theme is not even fooling half the people.

In terms of the economy, the more Biden tried to sell the glories of Bidenomics, the more the folks back home rejected it.  The most recent polls tell that story.

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” reported on the Marquette Law School poll that show Trump has a 52 to 28 percent lead over Biden in HANDLING THE ECONOMY.  That is a new record low for Biden.  Biden has basedhis reputation on being a  President who has created a lot of jobs – good union jobs, as he would claim.  Yet. The public gives the job-creating credit to Trump by 40 to 30 percent.

Biden has an advantage over Trump in only three areas — healthcare (39 to 37), abortion (43 to 34) and climate change (44 to 24).  Unfortunately for Biden, these are not the top issues driving voters. The economic issues are number one, the border is number two and crime is number three – and Trump has a commanding lead on all those issues.

The Bidenomics brand has become so toxic that even the leftwing media personalities are conceding that focusing on economics was a big mistake.  That was the recent opinion of MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough – who not long ago was pumping his hot air into the Bidenomics balloon.

In a recent speech, Biden has tried to replace Bidenomics with saving democracy as the central theme of the campaign.  That is nothing more than going back to the Democrats’ mantra from November 8, 2016, when Trump was elected President of the United States – and that political narrative went nuclear on January 6, 2021.

That issue has not shown itself to be a slam-dunk winner for Biden, but it may be all they have.  It may just be that the only thing going in Biden’s and the Democrat’s favor is Trump, himself.  And even there, the MSNBC poll showed Biden with a statistically insignificant lead of 51 to 49 percent over Trump.

Interestingly, in reporting on the SAME poll, CNN showed Trump leading by 51 to 48 percent.  The difference was in the details.  MSNBC gave the number for “likely voters” and CNN used the number for “registered voters.”  Since both sets of numbers were well within the margin of error, it is a distinction without a difference.

The point is, Biden is not beating Trump with the electorate.  What is relevant is that despite Biden’s efforts to find a winning campaign theme — and Trump’s having more baggage than Samsonite – the best Biden can do is a statistical tie.

Whatever the future holds, we can at least lay to rest the remains of Bidenomics.

The only good news for Biden these days is that there is still 13 more months until Election Day 2024.  Oh my God!  That means 13 more months of obsessive hysteria and hyperbole permeating the political atmosphere like a discharge from a local sewer treatment plant – not to mention a few more senior moments and presidential pratfalls.

So there ‘tis.
